"First Light" Photo Prompt

For November's Photo Challenge I combined a photo of a silver metal ceiling tile that I just installed on my kitchen walls as a backsplash (paying attention to the light reflections).  I converted this to a black and white image, added the glass bottles and eliminated any color from them via the blending modes.  I layered this with a photo of snow covered trees & a frozen lake.  After playing with all of the blending modes, I finally found this one I truly loved.  It created a faux glass effect, that looks as if I am looking out of a frosted kitchen window.  (All fabricated and it began with a metal ceiling tile!)

1 comment:

bluegiraffe (Sherry) said...

Hi, Cynthia! Just wanted to tell you how much I LOVE this digital creation. The effect you've created is just stunning. I can almost feel the chill of the icy glass. I'm glad I stumbled upon your blog! I found it through the digital montage studio challenge.
Sherry P

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